ACLU noise

To the editor:

In response to Justin La Mort’s letter of May 3: Due to chronic health problems, I am no longer able to actively participate in the ACLU; it is not a matter of apathy, and I do keep myself informed.

The ACLU represents all Americans whether they be students, blue- or white-collar workers, the unemployed and soldiers serving overseas. Yes, there is interest in the Americans serving in Iraq as well. There are all kinds of rights and all kinds of people. But we all have one thing in common: our rights as citizens of the U.S.A.

As for the use of decibel meters, a person reading a meter outside a house or apartment complex is only able to measure the noise level in that general area. Due to the fact that bass frequencies are louder the farther they travel from the source, people two blocks away from the source can clearly hear the bass “thump.” As the wife of a musician, I can sympathize; who doesn’t enjoy a good party?

However, I applaud the Lawrence Police Department for not using these devices simply to pacify complaining citizens.

I wish you and the KU ACLU members the best and hope you continue to broaden your interests. And remember, you have the power to change the world. Just make some noise that will stand the test of time.

Doris Stine,
