Spreading peace

To the editor:

Of the more than 200,000 Peace Poles standing in 180 countries, eight now radiate peace from our very own town. The eighth pole was planted by the International Student Assn. and Phi Beta Delta on the Kansas University campus on May 1. Each of these poles carries the beautiful prayer “May peace prevail on Earth” in many languages.

We would love to see more Peace Poles established in Lawrence. If you are interested in learning more about them and, perhaps, planting one in your yard, at your place of work or worship, your school, a park or anywhere else, please visit our information table at the Lawrence Public Library. It will be in the south entrance foyer until Tuesday. There you will find fliers about the World Peace Prayer Society that coordinates the Peace Pole Program, information on children’s peace projects, instructions on how to order a Peace Pole and much more. The society’s Web site is www.worldpeace.org.

May peace prevail in Lawrence; may peace prevail on Earth for all beings everywhere.

Judy Carman and Beth Schultz,
