Long-range view

To the editor:

I would like to respond to Gene Ramp’s March 10 letter to the editor. Not only is he inaccurate in assigning responsibility for the resignation of our city manager (Journal-World article on the same date), his reactive rhetoric is unwarranted and untrue. Commissioners Schauner, Rundle and Highberger have clearly and repeatedly demonstrated their desire for good, long-range planning as Lawrence continues to grow. They know that thoughtful planning is beneficial to everyone in Lawrence, big-moneyed interests as well as regular folk. Perhaps these commissioners were singled out because they were endorsed by the Progressive Lawrence Campaign (PLC). If so, Mr. Ramp is misinformed about PLC goals and objectives. PLC supports candidates that emphasize the need for long-range, effective city planning that is fair and responsive to the needs of the entire community, not a few deep-pocketed special interest groups. PLC will continue to endorse candidates who are grounded in such values.

I have great appreciation and gratitude for all who serve the public, whether city management and city staff, or elected city government officials. Mike Wildgen’s recent resignation highlights the difficulty and challenge of community service. Our community’s expectations are high, sometimes unrealistic, and often misinformed. Decisions involving our community are complicated and complex, and pleasing everyone is never possible.

Whatever your political persuasion, Lawrence will continue to evolve, grow and change. Effective long-range planning is essential to the continued vitality and well-being of Lawrence.

Candice Davis,
