Traffic lights

To the editor:

This concerns traffic lights. On Wednesday, June 21, I was going south on Michigan Street at around 5:45 a.m. As I was approaching Sixth Street, I noticed that the traffic lights were still blinking so I stopped and looked both ways before I cautiously started to make a left turn. Lo and behold here comes a car down Sixth Street at a pretty good speed and thank God his reflexes and his brakes were in great shape because otherwise I would have been splattered on Sixth Street that morning.

What I really want is to let the city know that Sixth Street is a very busy street. Maybe they don’t know it, but there are people who work the night shift and people who have to commute early in the morning to get to their out-of-town jobs. Therefore the city should see to it that those lights should go on earlier. I really think they should be on all night.

Mary Nunez,
