Unfair burden

To the editor:

Although I believe the financial problems at Alvamar are due, in part, generally to the poor economic climate for golf courses and specifically to mismanagement, the impact of Eagle Bend is significant. The privately owned golf courses in Lawrence are forced to compete with the heavily taxpayer-subsidized Eagle Bend course.

The taxpayer subsidy goes far beyond Eagle Bend’s annual $150,000 loss. Eagle Bend was built on free government land and receives free water from Lawrence. In addition to these subsidies, unlike privately owned courses, Eagle Bend does not pay property taxes. If Alvamar had these benefits it would be the most profitable business in Lawrence. The fact that Eagle Bend loses money despite these benefits demonstrates government inefficiency and the need to limit government to essential services.

Eagle Bend has not only placed an unnecessary burden on taxpayers, but also damaged the centerpiece of west Lawrence.

Ed White,
