Bird messengers

To the editor:

Could it be that the information provided by our government does not give its citizens the whole truth about the avian flu?

While it would not be wise to ignore possible threatening illness situations, it is helpful to go a step beyond all the fear that is being intentionally spoon-fed to us and do our own research on the subject.

Something to think about:

l Could it be that the bird flu is a message from the birds about how they are being treated and why THEY are sick?

l Could it be that the practice of caging animals and birds along with the use of antibiotics and steroids in their food supply is making THEM sick?

l Could it be that Donald Rumsfeld was once president of Gilead Labs, the company that bought the patent for Tamiflu from Roche labs in 1996? Could he be a major stockholder in that company that has a monetary investment in the bird flu inoculation of Americans? You decide.

l Could it be that the universal spiritual law of cause and effect is showing us something?

I support companies and farmers who offer free range, vegetarian fed, humane environments for birds and animals and respectful treatment of our land.

It costs a bit more to eat organic but well worth it for the health benefits. Birds are messengers. Will we listen?

Karmel Astarae,
