Theft in disguise

To the editor:

The postal system was too efficient and making too much money, so Congress took some of the money (robbing Peter), and put the money into the federal budget to pay other bills (paying Paul), promising to pay it back later (Journal-World, Jan. 8, page 1B). However, since paying it back now would add to the federal deficit, it won’t be paid back (you’re screwed, Peter).

Now a postal rate increase has been implemented to pay for proposed postal reformation costs. Taxpayers not only have to pay for an increase in our personal cost of sending mail, we get to pay for increased postal costs for businesses who will pass their cost on to us by raising product prices (you’re screwed, everyone). Bear in mind, Congress has not yet decided how this money will be spent. Anyone taking bets on where the money will actually go?

Similarly, Congress took money from the Social Security system to pay for budget violations over the years. These transparent rapes of taxpayers’ pocketbooks are typical of the Bush-driven, Republican-controlled Congress’ irresponsible spending, including huge tax cuts for the wealthy, at the expense of poor people (Medicare and Medicaid cuts).

This isn’t creative budgeting. It’s just poorly disguised robbery.

Jerry Lyons,
