Trust lacking

To the editor:

Well, President Bush is at it again: handing over our ports to the United Arab Emirates. Of course, when we all gasp and ask who in their right mind would allow this action, especially since we are supposedly in a war on terrorism, President Bush says to trust him and his administration. Isn’t this the same administration who on their watch gave us 9-11? Trust them? We did that once; no more.

These are the same folks that brought us the new FEMA, and we saw what they did and continue to not do for the citizens of Louisiana. Also, isn’t this the same administration that when we were attacked by 19 Saudi citizens on 9-11 turned around and invaded Iraq? I still fail to see the connection on that one.

President Bush has failed to use his veto power for more than five years on all kinds of controversial legislation, but on this issue he has threatened to use his veto power. Trust him? I think not. I have a good idea, President Bush: Why don’t we just sign over the Department of Homeland Security to the United Arab Emirates? They could at least do as well as those in your administration that have been running that agency.

Maybe if that works, we could allow Saudi Arabia to run our Defense Department. As your administration continues this outsourcing trend maybe we, the American people, could outsource all of the federal government and really get efficient. Now, there is an idea!

Frank Hays,
