Worthy mission

To the editor:

The Salvation Army is in the process of raising funds to build a new shelter for the underprivileged in Douglas County. It will be a wonderful place for people who are down and out to go to get help. The Salvation Army has gotten hundreds of people off the streets of Douglas County in the last year alone. They do not enable drunks and drug users to continue their habit while receiving free room and board, and that fact may anger some.

However, those who work for the Salvation Army and run these shelters are commissioned officers. Their pay is similar to officers in our armed services; it is low.

The idea that the Salvation Army either locally or nationally hoards its funds is purely nonsense.

In 2005, over 34 MILLION people were assisted by the Salvation Army, including over 60 million meals served and over 11 million nights of lodging provided. Economist and management expert Peter Drucker refers to the Salvation Army as the “most effective organization in the U.S.” The Salvation Army in 2003 spent over $2.5 BILLION. That’s in one year. Up from just under $2.5 BILLION in 2002. These are facts (www.salvationarmyusa.org). These are not expressions of opinion.

The local Salvation Army struggles every day to meet the needs of those it serves. Anyone who claims that the Salvation Army has endless resources and is not worthy of donations is ignorant of the facts and should be ashamed of themselves.

Justin R. Anderson,
