Not the music

To the editor:

There was an article dated Feb. 7 on the recent shootings at the Granada. This particular article was on the front page of the Journal-World. There was a little section headlined, “Hip-hop weathers bad rap.”

What’s wrong with people? Guns don’t shoot people, people shoot people. Music doesn’t cause violence, people cause violence. Video games don’t cause violence, people do.

Most people who complain about music being too violent or obscene really aren’t listening to the music very closely. They hear a line of a song or a lyric that has a cuss word in it and they freak out, but do they truly understand what that song is about or that particular phrase in the song? This particular problem in our society, not only in America but around the world, is called misinterpretation. People need to stop and think before they speak.

Yes, I do think there are some songs that are inappropriate and cruel. The fact is most people know right from wrong. Unless an individual is severely mentally ill, they know right from wrong. It’s up to the parents to teach their kids right from wrong. Now, if their parents teach them right from wrong and an individual commits a crime, they have to suffer the full consequences.

Brian Kummer,
