Draft opposed

To the editor:

Though most Americans support our troops wholeheartedly, as do I, many do not support this war. Though Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution clearly states that only Congress can declare war, President Bush seems to have successfully bypassed this document, which is the foundation of our treasured democracy.

A Selective Service agency official stated that a comprehensive review of the military’s draft machinery will be tested, but that no draft is imminent. This test was last run in 1998. Facing diminishing support, President Bush could use a draft to continue his war indefinitely.

Though the president’s power seems nearly limitless, let me make one thing perfectly clear: You can take my money, my integrity, my dignity, but you will never take my children.

Run your test if you must, but there are tens of millions of voters out here who will never permit you to draft our children to fight your war and defend your ego.

Will Lunn,
