Report is suspect

To the editor:

I am writing because of my disappointment over your newspaper’s article discussing the meeting on the possibility for developing areas of Clinton Lake and other Kansas reservoirs. Unfortunately, your reporter made it sound like the only objections were based on subjective considerations like aesthetics.

In fact, people raised many other concerns. For instance, the plan suggests that demand exists for a new golf course at the lake. Given the struggles of our existing golf courses, the idea that we need another one seems highly suspect. Indeed, the suggestion that we need another golf course is so ridiculous that it makes one fear that the entire report is filled with vastly inflated estimates of the demand for more development.

The last time people floated ideas about developing Clinton, the plans came with a substantial dose of tax-supported subsidies. Many people have legitimate fears that this report is the first shot in a new assault on our wallets by developers and their governmental allies anxious to turn profits and spread around pork with unnecessary projects.

Michael Campbell,
