Policy problems

To the editor:

U.S. foreign policy was once aimed at making friends abroad (remember the Peace Corps) instead of making more and more enemies by attempting to force our systems and ideas on other people at the point of a gun.

The Bush administration saw 9-11 as a chance to declare war on terrorists and thus expand its powers and then misled the American people about weapons of mass destruction in order to get its power-grabbing agenda past the U.S. Congress.

The Bush administration also has altered NASA documents and generally misled the American people about global warming in an ongoing effort to reward big oil companies who are among their biggest supporters and who are currently reaping greater windfall profits at the expense of society and the American economy.

Besides an overextended and exhausted military and a busted treasury, the United States is facing more severe droughts, storms and heat waves, and sometime soon huge lawsuits will begin against the United States for abandoning the Kyoto Climate Treaty and allowing islands and coastal areas around the world to go under the rising ocean waves and for many, many other crimes against nature and humanity.

When is enough, enough?

Les Blevins,
