Energy for all

To the editor:

Recently the Journal-World announced an agreement with the owners of the Bowersock Dam. Through a third party called Zephyr Power, “Green Energy” will be supplied to “help the environment.” Other local businesses are interested, and Boog Highberger says the city “should take the lead” and buy power at extra cost.

There’s nothing new in the Bowersock Dam selling power to the grid and making a good business for decades. What’s new is the marketing scam.

The source of the power is a public resource: the Kansas River. The public should expect to be compensated for its use. If Bowersock Dam owners complain about maintenance costs, let’s open up the lucrative franchise negotiated for peanuts in the ancient past. Let someone else exploit the massive free energy of nature in the river.

It is astounding that the city would consider paying a premium for ordinary electric power, in effect subsidizing a gold mine.

City commissioners, please think again: Public policy is for public benefit, not subsidizing the rich.

John Ralston,
