Private prisons

To the editor:

I am writing to inform the citizens of Lawrence and the surrounding areas of an important piece of legislation that is currently in progress in Topeka. The bill is HB 2276, the sex offender bill. This bill increases the sentences for sexual predators and offenders. The legislation is well thought out and was carefully planned. An unfortunate turn of events has occurred during the legislative process, however. A bill that allows private prisons to operate in the state of Kansas has been attached to this bill.

The private prison bill has been defeated the last two years for good reasons. Private prisons are operated on a for-profit basis, which equates to placing inmates, families and taxpayers at their mercy. These companies claim great savings to the state, but valid research does not support the claims of the high-paid lobbyists.

Become informed about for-profit prisons, then ask your legislative representative or senator why they would support private prisons. Ask them why they support companies with such controversy attached to them. Encourage them to separate these two bills so that the sexual predator bill will pass and let the private prison bill stand on its own merit.

Chuck Sypher,
