Message of greed

To the editor:

My daughter was one the many people that had to find a new location for their wedding because of the damage to Danforth Chapel. We were fortunate to find the chapel at Baker University was available for the date that was planned. The cost was higher than at Danforth, but not out of line. We went to pay the fee and were informed that the university was lowering its standard fee for anyone that was displaced because of the storm that made Danforth unusable. We were so pleased with their thoughtfulness and want to thank Baker University for their compassion and generosity.

When we called our daughter and told her what Baker is doing she was thrilled. She informed us that not everyone has been that helpful. One of the local churches that offered to help is charging $1,215 for the use of their facilities, which is more than ten times what it cost to use Danforth. This couple are not believers and probably won’t be because of this church’s greed. The church is supposed to be reaching out to help others and share the good news of Jesus Christ. I guess their building is more important than people. Thank God for Baker University for their help, and woe to you Pharisees.

Russ Beeson,
