Share the road

To the editor:

I was absolutely shocked by the audacity Cindy Westerhouse exhibited with her Sept. 27 letter entitled “Road hazard.” Dismissing the issue of cell phone use while driving, she essentially lashes out at bicyclists, insisting that their presence on roads constitute the “real dangers of driving in Lawrence” and criticizes the city for allowing cyclists on particular roads.

Though bothered by the Eudora resident’s comments, I found reassurance in my knowledge that this sort of unfriendly attitude is not characteristic of most Lawrencians. As a regular bicyclist, and on a related note, it pleases me greatly to relay the following tidbit of (positively true) irony: Twice have I felt in danger on the streets of Lawrence, and twice have I almost crossed paths with a cell phone wielding driver.

Irony aside, I was most taken aback by Ms. Westerhouse’s final suggestion: “Drive a vehicle!” Unfortunately, I cannot simply attribute such an intolerant remark to over-inhalation of gas fumes. For many Lawrence residents, myself included, our bicycle IS our vehicle. While this may be difficult for some to appreciate, the fact of the matter remains.

Share the road means share the road, please. Mutual respect is of utmost importance. My final suggestion to those who find themselves incapable of sharing: Stay off Lawrence’s bike-friendly roads or, even better, start pedaling and find out what danger really is.

Molly Rima Hoopes,
