Basic stuff

To the editor:

Cindy Westerhouse’s tirade against bicyclists on county roads has compelled me to write my first letter to the editor. Her letter warrants a response on several points.

To begin with, the city’s concern for cell phone use has nothing to do with bicycle traffic on county roads. City government has no jurisdiction in the county. Pretty basic stuff from civics class there.

If she feels that bicycle traffic is putting her in danger, she should reduce her speed in accordance with the traffic conditions. That’s what the law says she should do. Slow down, Ms. Westerhouse.

It’s that simple! It’s not all about you and your agenda just because you are in a car. Sometimes in traffic, and in life, it’s beneficial to slow down, take a deep breath and relax a little. Bicycles are allowed on county roads because they are our roads as much as they are yours. Kansas law gives us the right to be there.

And finally, Ms. Westerhouse says she hates those signs encouraging her to share the road. We are all taught from early childhood to share. That’s how we get along in life with our fellow human beings. It’s not a bad idea. So, I would say to my fellow cyclists, if you’re out there riding and a car comes along, go ahead and “share the road” by moving over to the right side. After all, it might be Ms. Westerhouse coming and, unlike you, she has important places to go!

Fred Mersmann,
