Include I.D.

To the editor:

It concerns me when I hear educators say they only want evolution in science books. They will attempt to thwart any effort at the theory of intelligent design. If they don’t want I.D. included in science why not offer criticisms that attempt to disprove Darwin’s theory of evolution alongside what is taught in textbooks? Darwin’s theory is still very much without facts. Wouldn’t that be fair and give our young people an actual well-rounded education?

It seems to me like scientists are protecting their belief system, rather than offering various scientific theories. I think I.D. and evolution should both be in textbooks, each along with criticisms. If one is allowed to teach a theory that basically says I can throw parts of a watch into a tornado and have it come out a working, fully together watch, then is it so crazy to teach a theory attempting to use science and math that attempts to explain that there was perhaps an intelligent designer? Criticism of Darwin at the least, I.D. at the most, and no monopolistic theories. God bless.

Justin Smitley,
