Wake-up call

To the editor:

I hope the events caused by Hurricane Katrina serve as a wake-up call to all of our citizens.

To me, the two glaring concerns illustrated by the events of the past week are the inability of this country to respond to a major assault on our shores, and management by crisis, e.g., funding prisons instead of preschools, building levees that are only “good enough,” lack of environmental concerns, etc.

Obviously, 9-11 did not teach us anything.

I believe both problems illustrate a culture that is self-absorbed, lacking leadership, looks only at today and how it affects them personally rather than looking at the larger picture and caring and planning for the future.

Our greatest enemy is apathy… believing our voice – our vote … can’t make a difference. We can all make a difference. Dead people in the street is not acceptable.

Karen Anderson,
