Parks value

To the editor:

The Parks and Recreation Commission and City Commission deserve applause for long-term planning of community parks (Lawrence Journal-World, Oct. 18). Community parkland for outdoor recreation and relaxation are important for the quality of life that makes us privileged to live in Lawrence.

Financing parkland, hopefully, can be from a responsible evaluation of both the tangible and intangible benefits. Mentioned sources of finance are added tax revenue from new development, an “impact fee” or the setting aside of parkland as a part of development. It is hard to believe that developers do not gain significant value and profit from community parkland. What real estate agent in showing property to a perspective family would not mention the benefit of a local park?

An issue not mentioned in planning for future parkland for south and southeast Lawrence is the potential interface with the wetlands. The wetlands represent a natural resource for Lawrence with important spiritual, ecological, educational and research value for significant segments of our population. Ideal planning will coordinate parkland with this important resource wherever the final construction may take place.

As one thinks of the future of our children and grandchildren, the environment in which we live will continue to impact personal satisfaction and our common welfare. A planned synergy between wetlands and parks will be the best long-term use of these resources in maintaining Lawrence as a prized place to call home.

Jim Hasselle,
