No panhandling

To the editor:

I think it’s time we put a stop to the panhandling in our city. I’m referring to the individuals who stand at a corner and hold a sign that reads something like “Homeless need help God bless please” – at 23rd and Louisiana on a fairly regular basis – and those who surprise you in a parking lot. I’m all for giving a hand up to someone who needs it and will accept, but from what I’ve seen, these folks are wanting a hand out and it probably isn’t for food, gas, clothes, medicine or diapers.

I was approached in the Home Depot parking lot today by a woman who gave me a line about someone who was injured in an accident, she and her spouse were here to visit and were somehow stranded unless I gave her my “spare change.” Like that will get them on the road again. All my spare change is in a jar at home and it won’t even fill the van with gas.

According to the local police department, panhandling is legal unless it becomes “aggressive.” I don’t care. It should be banned instead of smoking or talking on the phone. Surely this is not something we Lawrencians are proud of!

Jon Maas,
