Local needs

To the editor:

I would like to request that everyone who reads this do me a favor: Skip a meal and then think about how that feels. Better yet, skip two and try to function. Not feeling so well, huh?

I have volunteered at the Lawrence Salvation Army for more than five years and never have I seen the food pantry so bare for so long. Despite mentions in the Journal-World of the desperate need for food donations, the food pantry still has almost nothing. Other food pantries are experiencing similar dire straits.

While I certainly wouldn’t discourage people from donating to hurricane relief efforts, I would like to remind people that families, CHILDREN in your own neighborhood are also in need. Many families depend on what local food pantries have to offer, thus when they are bare, there are no meals.

If you have the means, please take the time to donate something to these well-deserving food pantries. Your donation may make the difference between a child having nothing or near nothing to eat and having a healthy meal. Lawrence is a wonderful community, but please don’t forget there are also people in need in your own backyard!

Jennifer L. L’Heureux,
