Biased act

To the editor:

This is in response to Mr. Swall’s letter of Oct. 16 regarding the Davis-Bacon Act and the suspension thereof by President Bush. Mr. Swall’s history and knowledge of the Davis-Bacon Act is sorely deficient. Of all of the discriminatory legislation ever passed by the federal government, the Davis-Bacon Act is one of the worst. It was SPECIFICALLY designed to exclude African-American, non-union workers from being able to work. Its whole purpose was to exclude non-whites.

Through history, the act has been suspended by several presidents including FDR during the “New Deal.” Civil rights groups for decades have called for its repeal on the grounds of it being Jim Crowish. The Davis-Bacon Act has probably contributed to the Delta South’s impoverished legacy more than any other single item.

The act was suspended by President Bush so contractors could hire as many people as necessary to get the job done in an expedient manner. Mr. Swall’s political motives are apparent. To quote another famous Republican: “It is better to remain silent and look like a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln.

Scott Burkhart,
