Minority view

To the editor:

Does Sen. Pat Roberts really believe that terrorists would have an “unfair advantage” over the United States if the Senate passes a defense appropriations bill amendment banning cruel and inhumane treatment? Does he really believe the strongest military in the history of the world would be at a disadvantage if it could not torture suspected terrorists?

Aside from putting Americans captured by terrorists at risk of torture, there is no evidence that cruel and inhumane treatment, or even the threat of such treatment, provides any usable information. The United States can no longer claim the moral high ground in the fight against Islamic extremists if it considers torture an acceptable technique to gather information.

If Sen. Roberts does not really believe this amendment gives the terrorists an “unfair advantage,” and is simply voting his conscience, the 90-9 vote in the Senate clearly proves that Sen. Roberts represents a marginal minority of Kansans and the American public.

Matt Lehrman,
