Celebrate U.N.

To the editor:

Congratulations to Doris Dort for her excellent letter to the editor of Sept. 26 supporting the United Nations and urging readers to celebrate United Nations Day on Oct. 24.

The many U.N. specialized agencies are useful in helping newly independent, poor, underdeveloped nations get started. New nations dislike accepting aid with strings attached from the great powers. Aside from moral considerations, the United States has a stake in the success of new nations. The world cannot survive half rich and half abysmally poor.

The U.N., as the “town meeting of the world,” is the best forum for successful diplomacy to solve national conflicts of interest before they escalate into physical conflicts of war. International tensions may be eased by the safety valve of talking. As Winston Churchill put it, “Jaw, jaw is better than war, war!”

The U.N. helps to create world community, world brotherhood and world consensus instead of narrow nationalism. The U.N. flag, the U.N. headquarters in New York, the U.N. charter and the Office of the Secretary General are all symbols of an embryonic world community which some day must evolve into a world federal government providing justice, peace and the essential world conditions for the pursuit of human happiness.

The United States is a charter member of the United Nations. So, let’s fly our blue and white United Nations flag during United Nations Week, Oct. 24 to 31! During this week, may social studies classes learn about the United Nations.

John A. Bond,
