Failed policy

To the editor:

It’s time our Sen. Roberts stops defending Bush and Cheney. The senator thinks we are in a war with terrorists. Well, if we are in a war with terrorists, it’s because Bush and Cheney wanted such a war.

By declaring it a war they (Bush and Cheney) have brought us down to the level of the terrorists and elevated the terrorists to our own level, mainly to enable Halliburton and others to profit. We are falling into the terrorists’ trap, and this presents a new situation that we may not survive due to the terrible image we are projecting abroad and the terrible cost associated with this so called war. The terrorists have us digging our own grave. I think the real question is; how far should we dig before we wake up and take a different approach?

A better path for America would be to support and work with our friends (like the British and the Japanese) who want to see peace and prosperity survive rather than wars, famine, disease and destruction. We could defeat the bad guys and make friends for a lot less drain on our resources than to continue to back a failed foreign policy concocted by Bush and Cheney. It’s a failed policy that produces nothing but death, enemies and a huge financial drain.

Les Blevins,
