Driving woes

To the editor:

I’m sorry, but U.S. Highway 59 from Lawrence to the Baldwin junction or Ottawa is not the problem. Yes, I feel for those innocent few who have had accidents over the years. However, it’s not the highway or its design. I drive that road many times during the month. The real problem stems from the “driver.”

The speed limit is only 55. Yet, I have people pass me doing at least 70, maybe more. They pass going over the top of hills. They pass going around the corners. They pass in the “no passing” zones. They drive while trying to concentrate on their cell phone conversation. Some even run through stop signs because they were daydreaming or were trying to multi-task.

Yes, this road appears to be dangerous. But, it isn’t the road, it is the driver behind the wheel. Some take chances because they are in a hurry. Some just can’t stand to be behind the car that’s only going the “speed limit.” So, we will speed the millions on upgrading the highway trying to save lives. Then in 20 years, the next generation will try to figure out how to keep their generation of drivers from running off the shoulder, falling asleep at the wheel, driving through the stop light or stop sign as if it weren’t there, or passing when they shouldn’t have. You can’t make a road for bad drivers who are in a hurry and willing to take chances with their lives having no concern for the other person.

Jill Powell,
