Illegal aliens

To the editor:

In a continuing effort to pay low wages and garner high profit returns, your Kansas neighbors have turned to an alternate source of employment: illegal aliens. In so doing, businesses have given reward to criminal activity. They have also saddled you with higher medical costs, higher taxes and overcrowded schools and have given incentive to the illegals’ children to seek a college degree at an in-state rate. All of these things are being done with an in-your-face attitude and a nod and a wink by the federal government.

During a recent trip through our state I noticed that as I turned off Interstate 70 and onto Kansas Highway 156 and U.S. Highway 56 into the southwest area, the influx of “undocumented workers” became more and more evident. At every convenience store and/or gas station I found myself surrounded more and more by people with non-American foundations. Upon arrival in Dodge City, I discovered that my wait staff, housekeeper and bartender were wanting in their ability to speak English. As I drove through the streets of touristy Dodge City, I saw several more of these inhabitants working as everything from sanitation engineers to feed-lot hands.

I realize there are several thousand legal immigrants who come to this country every year “through the system,” but I also know that the majority of the people I saw came “through the fence.” The people who hire them know this too and those people are your neighbors. Blame thy neighbor, Kansas.

Robert M. Tyler,
