More libraries

To the editor:

A recent Journal-World article cited parking as one of the main problems with the current library. I’m sure the library staff and the City Commission will consider a number of alternatives. I’m confident, too, that they will come up with a solution of which the city can be proud. And finally, I’m sure that whatever they decide, it will be expensive.

I wonder if the money would not be better spent by building small branches throughout the city. Why not make libraries that can be reached on foot or with a short bike ride? Why not ease the parking problems by having libraries that can be reached without a car? Why must the solutions to our problems be big, impressive and expensive? Will a big new library serve the needs of the entire city or just the needs of downtown?

The city is growing. As a long-time resident, I often miss the small-town feel that Lawrence is losing. Whatever we think, though, it is a fact we must accept and begin to deal with in reasonable ways. Those who live even farther from downtown deserve the same access to city services as those near downtown. At a time when technology brings even more information conveniently into our homes, is it the right time to continue with a single, central repository for all of Lawrence?

The city locates fire stations, police stations, parks and other services throughout the city. Why not libraries, too?

David Klamet,
