Good old days?

To the editor:

Dr. James Dobson and his ostensibly Christian organization have inspired me to write a pilot episode for a new television series. Actually, it’s loosely based on a show some of us watched some 25 years ago. I call it “All In The ‘Focus On The Family.'” Each episode will open with Jimmy (“Meathead”) and his wife, Shirley (“Dingbat”), sitting at an old piano, singing a song about how things used to be in “the good old days.” The tune is the same as it was on “All In The Family,” so you can sing along if you want to:

Prayer in segregated schools,

No environmental rules,

Blacks in their own swimming pools,

Those were the days!

No one needed Medicaid,

Or a darn “Gay Pride Parade.”

(Mister, we could use a man like Edgar Hoover again!)

Judges didn’t make our laws,

Nobody wore push-up bras,

Queer was what you never was.

Those were the days!

Complications ensue when their daughter enters into a lesbian relationship, and they have to take her outside the city gates and stone her.

Robert B. Howig,
