Scare tactics

To the editor:

In regards to Mr. Reitz’s letter regarding HB 2503 (regulation of abortion clinics): Abortion clinics are regulated, as are all office-based surgery providers in Kansas, through the Board of Healing Arts (BOHA). Clinics licensed through BOHA provide a range of services from eye surgery to breast augmentation. None of these clinics are required to obtain a KDHE license. KDHE statistics show that abortion is among the safest procedures in Kansas, so there’s no reason to single it out for legislative interference.

The cost of annual KDHE licensing alone (around $70,000 per clinic) could force smaller providers to close. Those surviving would have to increase prices to cover the fee and other unnecessary costs imposed by HB 2503. Contrary to Mr. Reitz’s assertion, these consequences would certainly reduce women’s access to abortion.

Gov. Sebelius has repeatedly stated her willingness to sign legislation requiring stricter regulation of all clinics. Supporters of HB 2503 have opposed such legislation every year. When BOHA discussed implementing across-the-board regulations, Kansans for Life (the primary proponents of HB 2503) were outraged. Universal regulations, unlike HB 2503, would not be written with the intent of closing abortion clinics and therefore do not satisfy anti-choice legislators and activists.

We should congratulate our governor and Douglas County legislators for resisting the scare tactics used by the likes of Kansans for Life and Joe Reitz.

One more clarification: Minors can only obtain abortions in Kansas without parental notification when a judge decides it’s necessary.

Jana Mackey,
