A moral disaster

To the editor:

It is now two years since Bush attacked Iraq claiming falsely that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and forcing out United Nations arms inspectors.

The insurgency continues with no end in sight. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed, wounded or rendered homeless. Many American soldiers have been killed or wounded. The cost of the Iraq war has greatly increased our budget deficit and our national debt. The United States has alienated world public opinion. Bush tops it off by nominating (as U.N. ambassador) John Bolton, who dislikes the United Nations. May the Senate reject Bush’s nomination!

Iraq is a moral disaster. The attempt to elect a democratic government to rule all of Iraq has failed because the Sunni Muslims refuse to participate. The United Nations is needed to partition Iraq into three separate individual states — about 15 percent in northern Iraq for the Kurds, about 25 percent in central Iraq for the Sunni Muslims and about 60 percent in the remainder of Iraq for the Shiite Muslims.

Our attack on Muslim Iraq has alienated the Muslim world. Informed observers have found no link between the secular regime of Saddam Hussein and the fanatically violent Islamic al-Qaida. but since our invasion of Muslim Iraq, it is much easier for the terrorist al-Qaida to recruit new Muslim members. Pope John Paul II said that war against Iraq would be a defeat for humanity.

John A. Bond,
