Larger issues

To the editor:

It’s really sad and outrageous that the U.S. Congress will put more effort into protecting one brain-dead woman than it will in protecting the entire human population of the Earth, and all future generations, and the Earth’s ecosystems from the creeping devastation and destruction being caused by global warming.

And the poor woman didn’t even want her life extended by extraordinary means, according to her husband.

It’s also outrageous that Sen. Sam Brownback is working so hard at representing the people of the Sudan rather than those he was elected to represent here in Kansas. I can’t imagine the people of Kansas elected Sen. Brownback to represent the people of Sudan, but it seems he is bent on doing so. Perhaps it is really so that the United Nations will stay out and the genocide can continue.

Of course both these issues are simply more examples of Republican attempts to divert our attention away from the much more important energy, environmental and foreign policy issues that are affecting us all. Wake up Americans.

Les Blevins
