Hypocrites, fools

To the editor:

As a young man growing up in Kansas, I learned that we should look after those that are in need, the children, the sick and the old. However, I read daily about conservative “born again” Christians who feel that it isn’t our responsibility to look after the poor, the hungry or those in need of medical care.

The Conservative Christian Congress raises its wages six times in the past seven years but determines that it would not be in the best interests of the poor to raise the minimum wage. Here I take issue; as a Christian it is our responsibility to look after, not close our eyes to, those in need. I have nothing against religion; in fact I have a very good relationship with my God. However, my mother once told me, “God does not tolerate hypocrites and fools,” and here in Kansas we have grown a bumper crop of both. A bumper sticker summed it up for me, “I love Jesus, it’s his fan clubs that I can’t stand.”

Bruce Johanning,
