Fickle Dems

To the editor:

Howard Dean recently visited Kansas, something the left of Lawrence greatly appreciated. He spoke of political activity, getting involved and “taking back America.” Yep, Screamin’ Howard showed up in a red state, but conspicuously missing from his Lawrence-to-Topeka peace train was one Kathleen Sebelius (D) Kansas governor. This, her spokesperson said, was due to a scheduling conflict. It appears that the leader of the Democratic Party isn’t important enough for Kathleen to change her schedule. Or, truth be told, he is too politically incorrect for the vacillating Dems.

I, for one, applaud Mr. Dean for standing up for what he believes in. I disagree with him on just about everything he believes, but he stands staunch and un-Democratically honest on his beliefs.

Sadly, we cannot say the same for gover-run-for-cover Sebelius. In the two years that she has been in office, Ms. Sebelius has stood for only one thing, a do-nothing leader. Her shoulders shrug, palms are held upward and she gets a “what, me worry?” look on every important issue.

During the presidential campaign, Kathleen welcomed Democratic nominee John Kerry with open arms. Why wasn’t the newly elected DNC chairman greeted in the same manner? In the Democratic Party there are two teams, the Deaniacs and the Clintonistas. Guess what team Kathleen is hoping to play for in the big leagues? Isn’t it obvious? Hint: Kathleen was at the Dole Institute Inaugural Lecture featuring Bill Clinton.

Watch your back, Howard (and Kansas).

Robert M. Tyler,
