Street waste

To the editor:

I agree with “Fix the streets first” (June 18, Public Forum). The extensive work happening out on Sixth Street is too much. The city wonders where all the money goes and offers to raise taxes – PLEASE – look at all the waste going on. All of that la-ti-DA extra is NOT necessary, nor are all the misplaced roundabouts. If the extra material wasted on such nonessentials were use wisely, more corrective work could get done.

North Lawrence is the main entrance to the city for a lot of people, not only visitors but people who work in the city. Yet, the intersection at Second and Locust is the worst in the city. When are some of our tax dollars going to fix it? Just the concrete of two roundabouts could have probably made a great improvement.

How about it, mayor, any chance of North Lawrence getting any of that beautification/improvement (tax) money? Some of that concrete and brick sure would look nice in North Lawrence – pretty please!

Barbara Reynolds,
