
To the editor:

First of all, to respond to Mr. Piehler’s quote about the do-gooders cleaning up the mess. I said, “would they feel so good if they cleaned up the mess around the church,” not whether they should clean it. Mr. Piehler, were you one of those who were cleaning today, July 12?

My question to you is: What is wrong with those you fed? Can they not read about the Good Samaritan? Perhaps you should share that story with them. Did you not wonder why you and your friends were cleaning the north side of the church since you did not make the mess? Or did you maybe feel responsible because your program contributed to it? There is a problem, like it or not!

And Lawrence Interdenominational Nutrition Kitchen (LINK) is not about feeding only homeless and poor. You should read the mission statement of LINK.

No critics are suggesting that the closing of LINK is about cleaner streets but rather providing a service that those who are recipients show responsibility to the facility they are fed in and the surrounding neighborhood.

Would you mind if Broken Arrow Park had people sleeping in it at night and those very folks were drunk in your neighborhood? Would you mind taking a walk from your home a few blocks away and have drunks trashing your neighborhood?

Let me know how the Good Samaritan story deals with this.

David Holroyd,
