Judicial power

To the editor:

Our Founding Fathers created the three branches of government to act as checks and balances. Unfortunately, the judiciary has become the 800-pound gorilla answerable to no one.

It no longer matters what the legislative branch or, in many cases, what the executive branch proposes, it all comes down to what the judiciary wants.

We could save billions of dollars by abolishing the executive and legislative branches of federal and state governments and being ruled by the whims, fancies and political ideologies of nonelected judges.

Just think how safe we could feel being ruled by those who turn dangerous child molesters loose to kill and rape other children, while protecting us from a vicious criminal like Martha Stewart who is monitored 24 hours a day.

Our courts are packed with liberal judges and their ideologies are influencing their decisions, and they do it with impunity because they are appointed for life and it’s almost impossible to remove one from office. We found that out here in Lawrence the last election.

I applaud those few state legislators who were willing to take a stand for the preservation of the separation of powers between legislative and judiciary.

But even if an amendment reining in the dictatorial power of the judiciary were to be voted in, some judge could simply rule it unconstitutional.

So let’s abolish all forms of government except the judiciary and let the judges run the country and see how happy we are.

Jim Morris,
