We can do both

To the editor:

Recent letters to the editor about money spent on the inauguration prompted me to offer my opinion, for what it’s worth. Some letters promote the peculiar notion that spending money on a celebration of the presidency somehow robs tsunami victims of food. Americans have the capacity and intent to support the relief effort, and we are doing so with astonishing generosity. The greatness of this culture is that we can do both: celebrate the presidency and help tsunami survivors.

Here’s my thought: The inauguration is a celebration of the presidency of the greatest democracy on earth. It is a tradition that happens every four years, regardless of who is in the White House. Rightfully, it should be embraced and celebrated by every American. To have a successful election, in the wake of the 9-11 murders, while we are at war in Iraq, not to mention the immense complexity of our daily activities, is truly amazing. The inauguration, among other things, is a reminder of that.

So, for those of you who object to money spent on the inauguration, instead of carping and whining, donate your money to the cause of your choice and remind yourselves that living in this country permits you that privilege.

Tom Bates,
