Money talks

To the editor:

The large meatpacking companies must be breathing a sigh of relief; after all, if a small company was willing to spend money paying for mad cow tests it could be expected of them, too. But thank goodness for the honest politicians in Washington; once bought, they stay bought.

Just a word of advice: Donate money to the right people. You might also want to make lots of statements asking for the marriage amendment that will help get Sen. Sam Brownback’s attention since this is his priority for America. But just remember to give lots and lots and lots of money to the right political party. Remember the candidate that won the election supports small businesses like Tyson, Enron and Halliburton. Hey, there’s an idea, sell beef to the government to be shipped to Iraq; if you play your cards right you might not even have to send the beef. Contact Halliburton to see how they work it.

Larry M. Brizendine,
