What a sham

To the editor:

So the Kansas Board of Education wants a three-panel subcommittee of creationists to investigate evolution versus intelligent design. What a sham. The only trial I want would investigate the antics of Steve Abrams and the rest of the conservatives along with the attorney general.

As for evolution, Steve Abrams did make one useful observation when he rejected Dr. Case’s proposal to examine papers. Abrams observed that: “There are papers all over the place.” Of course Abrams, would not want to examine the real scientific literature which clearly has rejected intelligent design as a scientific idea. As for forums, well that is exactly what scientists in a sense do in the scientific literature. Plus there have been all sorts of “debates” and public forums. So one more “forum” in front of a biased click of three anti-evolutionists is not going to make one whit of difference in what the board decides to do.

If Abrams and his five cohorts want to do something useful, they should simply resign.

Paul Decelles,
