No comparison

To the editor:

It’s amazing to me that Robert Anderson can compare abortion to soldiers going to war (Public Forum, Feb. 15). A “fetus” is a child with no choice. It is controlled by the person that carries it. Men and women who enlist in the military had a choice.

As a mother of three I have had several sonograms during my pregnancies and, in some sonograms, babies can be seen sucking thumbs, blinking eyes. They get the hiccups and, of all things, you can see their hearts beating. If a child isn’t technically alive then how can it do some of the same things a born child can?

There is no comparison between adults who have a choice to go to a recruiting office and sign a paper that enlists them into the military and an unborn “fetus” who has no say whether it’s aborted or not. I support our troops. But they made that choice. A child inside a woman’s body doesn’t have a say.

Maybe we should realize that children in the womb need to be protected, too.

Mr. Anderson should educate himself on what babies do in the womb and maybe he will realize that they are living and moving human beings even in the womb.

Megan Pannell,
