Creationism law

To the editor:

I believe the people of Kansas should support creating a state statute saying that creationism in any guise (such as intelligent design) can be discussed in public schools but cannot be taught or advocated in public schools and can be the subject of discussions in schools, but all text concerning it must be absent from school textbooks.

Nature and natural processes such as evolution are and should forever come under the classification of science. And religion and creationism should forever be considered to come under the classification of theology.

In case we forgot, Webster’s defines theology as “the study of God and religious doctrines and matters of divinity.”

I see the words “intelligent design” as being merely code words for “religious doctrines and matters of divinity” in the context of today’s news.

By the way, I do believe in intelligent design. How else can we explain such things as Earth’s orbit being so exactly placed in relation to the Sun such that Earth enjoys an average temperature that is so very conducive to life?

I also believe that we have an obligation to future generations to protect our temperature from the forces of evil among us who would prolong our dependence on those fuels and wasteful lifestyles that they profit from and are very willing to continue promoting in order to benefit themselves at the expense of the rest of us and future generations.

Les Blevins,
