An invitation

To the editor:

As one of the “fundies” that Professor Mirecki referred to in the Journal-World, I want to say I’m sorry for the incident wherein Mr. Mirecki suffered brutality from those bullies. I believe all “fundies” would condemn that activity.

Although Mr. Mirecki’s and my backgrounds seem similar – his 12 years of postgraduate study and familiarity with eight languages; and my nine years’ postgraduate study and familiarity with five languages – I could not match his in debate with his vast teaching experience, I’m sure.

I agree with Mr. Mirecki’s logic. Intelligent design cannot be proved absolute by science but, a word of caution, neither can evolution. If there is evidence for evolution that is scientifically absolute, proponents should have no problem allowing scientists (not theologians) to examine what scientific evidence there may be for intelligent design. Real truth can stand against all kind of opposition and ridicule. Kansas University students should hear both sides for a scientific viewpoint. Both sides have been called pseudoscience – history bears this out.

Back to theology. We “fundies” would like to invite Mr. Mirecki to the Gospel Chapel, Third and Chapel streets, in Baldwin. Services are at 9:45 a.m. Sundays. We worship God and teach the Bible. He will not find hate among us. In contrast, he will find loving care for his soul. Of course, we would lovingly seek to make him a disciple, baptize him in water and teach him God’s way.

In addition, we would like to take him out to dinner and get acquainted.

Dr. Ray M. Jones,
