Still thugs

To the editor:

“Mirecki may sue KU.” Is there anyone, conservative or liberal, who couldn’t see that one coming? Does the “near portrait” quality of Saturday’s photo mean the Journal-World will give all battery victims such detailed coverage in the future? (The rolled up sleeve was a nice touch. How did you resist adding a tear in the professor’s eye?) The accompanying articles revealed that long after the bruises have healed, Mirecki will continue to suffer from an even more severe injury: a bruised ego.

No Christian, and I mean anyone with a real, honest to God relationship with Jesus Christ, could believe that doing bodily harm to another human being advances the work of the Kingdom of God. That work is spiritual. Jesus said that a lot of people doing things in His name will discover that He will have nothing to do with them because He has never known them.

Whoever beat up Mirecki, for whatever reason, is no better than other thugs who hide behind whatever lie they feel justifies their actions. Mirecki’s words, which have certainly stirred up their share of action, seem to suggest that “applied” religion is not the professor’s area of expertise. His use of “fat-faced fundies” however, could be viewed as a God given gift for alliteration, but that would take us back to the whole intelligent design question wouldn’t it?

Marc Jonathan Haney,
