Heretic’s view?

To the editor:

I believe in a loving and charitable Christ. However, the Christ I believe in does not seem to be in Kansas or the United States today. The Christ I believe in would assist the poor, the sick, the old and, yes, even the sinner. The Christ I believe in has been hijacked by the religious right.

The mantra I hear from the right is “if you are poor, sick, old and, yes, a sinner, it’s your fault and I will do nothing. I will help you with tax cuts for the rich and curtailment of programs for the poor, sick and old.” Today religion is about gaining and using power; with power you must control the masses.

Around 400 A.D. a British monk and theologian named Pelagius believed that each individual could find salvation, no middleman or church required. He was branded a heretic and his followers were persecuted.

The religious right today puts forth that only they know how to interpret the teachings of Christ, and “you shall do and vote as I say.” The right feels they have a monopoly on Christ. In the eyes of the religious right I am a heretic, but I still believe in a loving and charitable Christ.

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday; it read “What would Jesus do?” I hope he would help the poor, the sick, the old and, yes, even the sinner. I guess that would make him a heretic, too.

Bruce Johanning,
