Campus liberals

To the editor:

The ongoing mystery of why there are more liberals in academia than in the general population can be best understood in generalities. There will be plenty of exceptions to the rule that liberals tend to be more educated and informed than many conservatives. Red states are more rural and uneducated than blue states.

The fact that many college professors lean to the left could be explained by the fact that many liberals tend to be less interested in the money the business world offers than conservatives. It’s no coincidence that Wall Street and corporate America is populated largely by right-wingers or that most of the nation’s wealthy vote Republican.

Or could it be that liberals are often more genetically predisposed with a passion for knowledge and ideas? I have met plenty of uninformed conservatives but I don’t recall ever having met an ignorant liberal. It may be an uncomfortable fact for some that NPR listeners are likely to be more erudite than Fox or Limbaugh audiences. Obviously there are hordes of educated conservatives and many will likely be offended by these observations. To them one can only say – if the shoe fits wear it.

Until Americans enlighten themselves with the knowledge and truths the corporate media is not reporting, we will be cursed with the red menace – apathy and ignorance.

Kelvin Schartz,
