Enough already

To the editor:

Every once in a while, an article is written in the Journal-World that is so keen that it bears reprinting every day for a month! One such piece appeared in the Aug. 8 edition, on page 4B, by George Lauppe. I highly recommend anyone that missed it to go back and read it. The title of his column was, “‘Bottoms’ history shouldn’t halt trafficway.”

Like Mr. Lauppe, many years ago I had driven those small dirt roads in the Haskell Bottoms. I observed fields of corn and other crops being harvested on ground that today is little more than a mosquito breeding ground, together with a few birds, frogs and snakes.

Sooner or later, the eastern leg of the South Lawrence Trafficway WILL be built. Traffic could be detoured south of the Wakarusa River. Unfortunately, this would not only be much more expensive; it would simply be impractical. Given this choice, most drivers would exit and continue to clog 23rd Street, thus defeating the entire project.

How much longer must Lawrence citizens wait before they receive what they voted for years ago? When is the community going to say, “enough already”? How much higher must the construction costs get before officials say, “enough already”? Using their delaying tactics, the progress blockers have cost every taxpayer in Douglas County far too much already.

Especially now that the Supreme Court has ruled for the condemnation of private property for public use, this critically needed road should begin sooner, rather than later!

Richard Smith
