Sinking ship

To the editor:

To save Social Security, let’s cut current benefits by one-third so the money will be there for my generation. Sounds kind of selfish, right? While I don’t support that, it’s what’s going to happen to my generation if nothing is done. Twentysomething workers are awaiting a one-third cut in benefits, trillions in unfunded liabilities and massive hikes in payroll taxes to keep a broken system afloat.

President Bush is right to propose reforms such as price indexing and optional personal retirement accounts. Social Security is a system that can’t invest in younger workers like it did for past generations. The demographics support the fact that the system is unsustainable. Congress “fixed” Social Security 20 times through tax hikes; look where we are today!

I’ll take the opportunity to have a PRA inside the system rather than just accept an unavoidable 30 percent benefit cut inside the current system. So to the naysayers, give younger workers a fair shot, and stop thinking that you own Social Security. While these reforms are new and uncharted, it’s a much safer route than staying on the sinking ship of insolvency. Do the math, you’ll see. God bless.

Justin Smitley,
